Radio London BridesJuly 4th 1965, saw the first broadcast of a new weekly promotional feature, 'Radio London Brides'. The 30-minute programme was a collaboration with 'Brides' magazine and also a weekly platform where advertisers promoted their wedding-related products. Businesses who advertised were billed as 'specially elected dealers'. These carried a red-and-black 'Radio London Brides' symbol in the window of their premises, indicating an approved business. Whether or not there was any actual approval procedure is unknown. The long-running programme held a regular 14.30 slot, just before the Fab Forty Show, with its own jingle – "Happy happy wedding day, the easy, easy modern way, Happy happy wedding day for Radio London brides". It is not known who recorded it for the station, but it may have been produced by an advertising agency. Substantial monthly prizes were on offer, with a chance to win either cash, or cash plus a honeymoon. The contests were open to everyone, not exclusively those with wedding plans. Entry forms were available in copies of 'Brides' magazine and by visiting those 'specially selected dealers' with the signs in the window. The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame has a clip of Radio London Brides from August 29th 1965, where Duncan Johnson (sitting in for TW) warns listeners not to get married until they have heard the show! Duncan incorrectly introduces 'Il Silenzio' as being The Wedding March and then thinks better of it. The Nini Rosso tune is, of course an arrangement of The Last Post, which has rather more sombre connotations and is definitely not something suitable for a wedding! Listeners were encouraged to write to 17 Curzon Street to obtain a copy of the booklet 'Fifty Things Every Bride Should Know', written by Jean Tougan (assumed spelling) the Brides magazine editor. The ''Fifty Things' included enlightening readers on aspects of The (marriage) Ceremony, The Honeymoon and their future married life. The clipping on the left, courtesy of Brian Nichols of Felixstowe and Offshore Radio Facebook Page is undated, but the prize was presented by Graham Bonney, whose record 'Super Girl' was 'currently at the top of the Hit Parade', which dates it to March or early April '66.'Attractive' Linda Wllde said her wedding to 'understanding' Norman Finch was to be on April 23rd. The £250 prize would be worth around £3,400 today. We would be very interested to hear from the Finches how they fared with renovating their cottage! Brian adds: "I tried to track down the bride, and got as far as finding out where she was living 20 years ago, but then the trail went cold, apart from someone I suspect was an old flame, who was also keen to find her whereabouts!" |
Tom Blomberg in Holland has kindly sent a scan of the July 1965 edition of 'Rave' the trendy magazine of the time, where journalist Dawn James was really enjoying listening to Big L and especially Kenny and Cash. I love the last line that reads, "It's nice to be gay all the time"! In 1965, 'gay' had no connotations other than 'happy' or 'cheerful'. Dawn is one of five women who were profiled in a Radio 4 documentary The Women Who Wrote Rock "The (bands) were just ordinary people making lovely music," she told The Guardian. Dawn's younger sister was the late Fab Forty star, Twinkle, who sadly died in 2015. |