As with much live music these days, the difference in quality of so-called
part-time musicians compared to full-time professionals with several albums
under their belt, is getting very blurred. Many bands are made up of guys
and gals with full-time jobs to bring in the bread, man.
So it was with 'Platform Soul' when we saw them live in Aylesbury on 3rd
November 2001.
failed to get tickets to this sellout gig, the Civic Centre kindly gave
us Ray's, (one of the saxophonists in the band), phone number in case
he had any spares. Ray had some, and delivered the tickets while on his
post round!
The spread of ages of people at music gigs never ceases to amaze me. I
would guess that the youngest kids were about seven, and every age up
to seniors (not us yet!) was represented. Granted the youngest appeared
to be related to the band, but the age-group that everyone who controls
(sic) radio stations assumes will be out trying to go deaf and only listens
to the latest 'beats', were very highly represented. It was clear that
everyone was just there for the real music, a few beers, and a good time.
If I hear a better version of 'Soul City Walking' other than the record,
I'll be very surprised. It brought a lump to the throat thinking that
this is what it sounded like with a live band in the 70s. Awesome! Also,
how can a band casually just stand there and sound like Earth, Wind and
Fire in the heart of urban Bucks with 'September' and 'Got To Get You
Into My Life'? Well, they did!
There are several ingredients that make up a successful sound as distinctive
as 70s soul and Philly. With a locked-on drummer, guitarist who knew all
the 'wacka wacka' licks, bass player that got on down super-low, horn
section that Philly-ed the bill admirably (sorry!) and 'back-stabbed'
in all the right places, keyboards that maybe could have added some string
sounds where they should have been, but were nevertheless authentic in
every other way, and three vocalists that shouldn't be so good, so young,
you can't go far wrong! Oh, by the way, they're all singers and instrumentalists
of the blue-eyed variety!
Sadly, all attempts to find out anything on the web about the individuals
with a great future, failed. Pity. Maybe Ray could drop in some details
while he's passing?